Sisters In The Summer
It’s quite amazing to watch your children grow and bond in front of your eyes. To see the love and hate each other in equal measures. To imagine the friendship that will be there in years to come.
Izzy and Chloe spend many hours squabbling and fighting, snatching toys and being jealous of every minute the other gets attention from us. Lately though I’ve seen a shift. Yes the anger and niggles are still there but there is a real relationship developing. They play together, pretending to be mothers and babies. They chat to each other and laugh at one another. It’s a real joy to see. The moments may not last long but they are there and they are becoming more frequent.
I’m sure there will be many ups and downs between them over the years and I know it will be challenging but for now I’m enjoying these moments.
Sisters ..18 Months On
I should warn you now ..this is pretty much just a visual post. If photos of incredibly cute and occasionally stroppy sisters bore you then look away. It’s really just for me to look back on in years to come but it’s also an update for those of you who like to know how we are doing. For now it’s just a few pics, next week I’ll share with you how we are doing as a family and how we manage to get through each day with two totally beautiful yet clever and demanding little girls.
I will share one thing with you now.. I have a feeling these two are going to be thick as thieves. We are in for trouble in the teenage years!
A Year Of Two
It’s been a while since I wrote about the girls. As sisters. As daughters.
We have had 13 months as a family of four now, a year of having two young girls fighting for the lions share of our attention.
A year of cuddles and squabbles, of tears and laughter.
Life with two isn’t easy. At all. In fact it’s probably at least ten times harder than I ever imagined but it really is a wonderful thing. Watching the two of them has brought me so much joy and love. On any given day they can be thick as thieves, causing mischief together under the table or angrily pulling toys away from each other whilst grabbing handfuls of each other’s hair. They can go from loved up buddies to sworn enemies in 5 seconds flat.
They are complete opposites in nearly every way. Izzy so tall and fair, Chloe darker and petite. Izzy sleeps from 6.30pm – 7.30am every day ..Chloe well not so much. If we get two hours straight that’s considered a good night.
Izzy has always eaten nearly everything in sight. Chloe has a much smaller appetite and will just eat very little and often.
One thing they both have in common is their loving, happy nature. Both girls are generous with their hugs and kisses. Izzy is always telling us she loves us and showering us with love and Chloe seems to be following suit. My mum tells me I was a very affectionate child too so I hope this continues as I’m still as soppy as ever and I’m never happier than when I’ve got one girl in each arm.
For every moment of worry, anger, upset that they give me and believe me there are many I get so many more of love, happiness and wonder at our family. I can already see glimpses of the people they will become ( and I’m thinking I have trouble ahead when they become teenagers! ) and I hope that we will always be this close.
Siblings – November
There’s been a shift between these two again and they are suddenly thick as thieves. I see Izzy going in for sneaky cuddles and kisses and the way Chloe just exclaims Where’s Izzy about a hundred times a day. It’s love, pure and simple. Sure they drive each other crazy. Chloe in particular can be SO annoying ( Izzys words) when she knocks over her big sisters towers but if Chloe is upset or looks at all sad Izzy is there in a heartbeat checking on her.
While I can get away with it I’ve sneakily put them in the same outfits just for the cute factor:
I also had to include this pic because of the look on Chloe’s face and Izzys ringlets which are stupidly pretty.
Siblings – October
Siblings – August
Another month of my girls together. Growing up, growing closer and becoming friends. It’s been a very hard month of parenting – I won’t deny that but somehow looking at back at these photos lifts my spirits.
Izzy and Chloe have two sets of matching outfits – this is one of them. Well a matching patten anyway and they looked so cute together.
Sometimes with all that is going on in her toddler world, Izzy doesn’t have as much time for Chloe but one time she is always excited to see her is in the morning. Sometimes I let her have Chloe in her bed for a quick cuddle before we get up:
Sometimes if I’m lucky I will catch a moment like this when Izzy can’t stop herself from going in for a quick impromptu squeeze:
I love the way Chloe looks at her sister in adoration.
And here are one or two quick pics from our recent trip to Camp Bestival:
Dad snuck into this one too..
I’m loving joining in on the Siblings linky each month and keeping an online photo diary of my girls growing up together. Why don’t you join in? Just click the badge below:
Siblings – February
Another month has passed and my newborn isn’t so new anymore,my toddler seems to grow an inch a day and I wonder how time goes by so quickly. The last three weeks have been pretty awful, I was admitted to hospital (twice) had a lumbar puncture and CT scan which were not particularly pleasant and I’m only just starting to feel better. What has got me through each day is my wonderful family and especially my OH and these two happy girls. It feels odd to say it as she’s only 12wks old but it feels like Chloe has always been around and Izzy is constantly looking for her, kissing her or singing at her. They are lovely to watch.
I had no idea how Izzy would react to a new baby arriving in our home. After all she is still very much my baby at 2year old. While I was pregnant she showered my bump with love and kisses but I didn’t think she really understood what it meant. On her first visit to see me and Chloe in hospital I followed advice I’d been given by other second time mums and made sure Chloe was in the cot so she could have a good cuddle with me first.. She didn’t spot the cot initially and after diving onto the bed to cuddle me (Ouch..stitches) I had to point out the baby lying just next to us. Her face was a picture. She exclaimed Oh baby.. And then awwww baby.
Her first cuddle..
Since we have come home she has shown just how besotted she is with her baby sister. Every 5 minutes she runs over to check on ‘baby Chloe’ and is interested in every aspect of her life from feeding to changing nappies. Every new visitor gets dragged to see the baby as soon as they come in and in the morning her voice comes over the monitor demanding to see ‘baby Chloe’.
I never thought my heart could love as much as it does right now. I know the road ahead will be far from smooth.. I have sisters of my own and of course at some point they will fall out and squabble but I know how amazing the relationship can be and I’m so thrilled that they will have each other.