I had no idea how Izzy would react to a new baby arriving in our home. After all she is still very much my baby at 2year old. While I was pregnant she showered my bump with love and kisses but I didn’t think she really understood what it meant. On her first visit to see me and Chloe in hospital I followed advice I’d been given by other second time mums and made sure Chloe was in the cot so she could have a good cuddle with me first.. She didn’t spot the cot initially and after diving onto the bed to cuddle me (Ouch..stitches) I had to point out the baby lying just next to us. Her face was a picture. She exclaimed Oh baby.. And then awwww baby.
Her first cuddle..
Since we have come home she has shown just how besotted she is with her baby sister. Every 5 minutes she runs over to check on ‘baby Chloe’ and is interested in every aspect of her life from feeding to changing nappies. Every new visitor gets dragged to see the baby as soon as they come in and in the morning her voice comes over the monitor demanding to see ‘baby Chloe’.
I never thought my heart could love as much as it does right now. I know the road ahead will be far from smooth.. I have sisters of my own and of course at some point they will fall out and squabble but I know how amazing the relationship can be and I’m so thrilled that they will have each other.