I remember when Izzy was a baby how we delighted in everything she did. It was all so brand new and exciting. This time around although still delighted by Chloe we are so tired and so busy that it’s hard to spend the one on one time with her that she surely deserves as much as her sister.
By giving to one I’m taking away from the other.
This is our life now.
I would say until they grow up but I know that my mum still feels guilty if she spends more time with one of my siblings than another. Or with one set of grandchildren than another. It’s hard.
Will I feel guilty forever?
Hopefully not but probably so.
The only thing I can do is work around it. When Chloe naps we play games or do things with Izzy. When Izzy naps we focus on Chloe, her development etc. I can’t leave Chloe yet as she only feeds from me so for now I have started having one on one time with her when I travel to blogging events. Like today we are on our way to London. She is my sole focus. Izzy is with my OH and she is his sole focus. They each get that special attention.
When Chloe starts to feed less I plan to do more things one on one with Izzy like going to see a film or popping out for lunch. So she knows she may not be the baby anymore but she’s still just as important.
People say that the second child doesn’t develop as quickly but from my experience so far she’s doing just fine. Maybe we can’t spend hours teaching her to say Dadadadada but the look of pure joy on her face every single time she spots her big sister makes me confident we chose the right age gap.
It’s so hard at the moment but I can already see how close these two are going to be.. And then we better watch out right?