You are two months old this week. TWO whole months, how did that happen?
I know people say times goes faster on your second but really it’s been like the blink of an eye.
Here are few words I wrote for you…
You seem so big now yet still so small
You are long like your sister
You are gonna be tall
You are calm and contended
You smile all day long
You are cooing and chatting
Like a beautiful song
You feed all the time
And guzzle too fast
It’s as if you worry
My milk won’t last
Your sister adores you
And hugs you all day
Chloe needs milk Mam
Is what she will say
I’m loving each moment
Of your changing face
I just wish it didn’t feel like
Some kind of race
Slow down please time
Don’t speed along
Let me savour each moment
Before it is gone
I cannot begin to explain the joy you and your sister bring to our every day lives.
Thank you X
Kelly Wiffin says
Oh my such a lovely post and what a beautiful photo!
Franglaise Mummy says
Love that pic and yes it flies horribly fast second time round xx