It’s a simple question.. What do you love? I don’t mean the obvious family, friends etc. I mean your interests, hobbies or maybe just cake.
For me I love cooking .. and books. I love other things too such as festivals, blogging, music, travelling, films and much more but really if I had to narrow it down to just two it would be cooking and books.
The love of books for me started extremely early. I was nicknamed bookworm ( how cool ) by my family and I was caught reading my ( 10yrs older ) sisters copy of A Colour Purple at the tender age of 8. Oops – I may have got into trouble for that one. I literally would read anything I could get my hands on. These days I’m slightly picker about what I read but my taste is pretty varied and I’ll give most genres a whirl ( aside from extreme horror ) but you know what I read most these days… Cookery books! I don’t just read them for recipes, I read them as I would a normal book and ah I do love finding an old classic in my local charity shop.
My latest find:
10p from my local charity shop and written by the queen of cakes Mary Berry
I do love that this book has written in some of the recipes the sentence If you have a freezer. Ha.
My love of cookery books is starting to take over my tiny kitchen.
My lovely man put a book shelf up to contain some…
I have some tucked away here..
And I haven’t even found a place for these ones yet
I *may* also have a few on my Kindle. I want more. It’s an addiction but its not a bad one really. Don’t ask me to choose a favourite as I just couldn’t.
As much as I love the amazing recipe websites that have popped up recently and also I mostly like to make up my own recipes these days I couldn’t give these books away .. Something very special about thinking of the many times a book could have been used to help create that special meal. I heart my books.
Cookbooks are wonderful. My mother had a bookcase full of delightfully old ones. When I was a teenager I used to sit on the floor and read through some of the older ones. I especially liked their etiquette tips and illustrations.
Yes I love the illustrations too!