I love my daughter. I really do, she’s ever so sweet and well mannered. Cute, caring and generally a lovely child to be around. However I’m not one to hide any issues or live in denial and well the truth is the girl can STROP. When she does its as if my little angel disappears for a minute and out comes this monster. It really is normally for a maximum of about 2-3 minutes but boy are those 180 seconds the longest seconds ever. It will normally happen when she’s tired and she will always always check we are looking before she has a tantrums so I know it’s for attention. It’s never screaming or kicking or really even lashing out but it’s there. The throwing herself to the floor, the Nooo…noooo..nooo or just saying pleaseeeee over and over. Worse is the sobbing. Last week we went to a soft play where Izzy has a bit of a love affair with a yellow and red car. In her head you can clearly see she believes it is her car. When she sees it she lights up such is her affection for this piece of plastic. If another child is in it she happily plays with something else but when she gets in there woah do not try to get her to let another child have a turn. I always force it. I will not have a child who won’t share – but on our last visit we had actual sobbing and hugging me as if the world had turned against her.
Aarrrghhhh this is not a fun development. I know it’s because she is becoming more understanding of her world while at the same time frustrated that she can’t communicate everything she wants to but I want it to end and she’s not even 2 yet. Help.
What are your tips for dealing with these outbursts? How do I help her cope with her emotions? Best ways to encourage sharing?
I feel like I’ve been spoilt in a way by having such a well behaved child and she still is but that almost makes these mood swings harder to deal with. The last month seems to have brought so many changes in our girl – the majority of which are awesome.. we can actually converse now don’t ya know? I’ll be writing about all those changes this week but for now your tips please.