Tonight after a fairly large evening meal I wasn’t hungry yet still really wanted something sweet. Of course I didn’t fancy the homemade ice cream, lollipops or Thorntons chocs which were already in my kitchen but I suddenly wanted cookies OR something with maple syrup on. I was also feeling fairly lazy after a long, tiring day so I decided to just spice up my usual cookie recipe with some adaptations and woohoo if it didn’t work out perfectly. Dark chocolate and maple syrup cookies – the dark chocolate stops its being too sweet whilst the maple syrup helps to create a perfectly moist cookie which holds together well. I am creating some pretty lovely recipes whilst being pregnant.
Of course I decided to share the recipe with you and quickly while its fresh in my mind and baby brain doesn’t kick in so here it goes:
Dark Chocolate and Maple Syrup Cookies
You will need:
100g softened butter ( now margarine would be ok but I feel strongly that you should use butter 😉 )
75g light brown soft sugar
30ml of full fat milk
75g of dark choc chips ( I used Asda basic dark chocolate 30p for 100g)
30ml of maple syrup
175g of self raising flour
Preheat oven to gas mark 4 (180)
Cream your butter and sugar together in a large bowl. Stir in the remaining ingredients and mix well.
Put 15 dollops of your mixture onto your greased baking trays,flatten slightly and bake for 10-12 minutes.
The raw cookie dough is pretty tasty..and with no eggs it’s safe for pregnant women and children too 😀
Remove from tray and cool on a wire rack.
* The cookies will still feel very soft when you remove from the oven but they are done and will firm up on the wire rack 🙂
These are so super simple to make.. the whole process from weighing the ingredients to taking a bite took less than 30 minutes and they were so delicious. I highly recommend you give them a whirl.