I was recently chosen along with a number of other bloggers to be a Morrisons Mum. I was given some vouchers and invited to go shopping instore to see their new price reductions.
Morrisons have recently reduced the prices of over 1200 products – with household brands like Hovis and Tate & Lyle as well as their own brand stock.
Encouraging bloggers to shop and write about their purchases was a brilliant idea. I’ve seen so much buzz about it online with recipe ideas and bargain products being shared on social media. A successful campaign no doubt.
But is it actually any good?
I used to shop in Morrisons when it first opened near me a few years ago, I liked it initially but being completely honest I did not find it as cheap as my other local supermarkets so I stopped going. I’ve popped in occasionally over the past year or so, usually when I get a voucher through my door but I’m not a regular customer by any stretch.
So this to me was an opportunity to check them out again. Properly. And with a weeks free shopping to boot.
It’s funny how often I go into a supermarket and barely look around. I’m normally rushed, checking off a list and trying to keep two little ones happy while I do it. But this time I decided not to plan a shopping list and just buy what looked good to me at the time, also both girls were contented and well behaved so I took my time.
What I loved initially was the fresh and brightly coloured veggies and fruits on display as you walk in, the mist over the shelves is a pretty effect too. Izzy was soon pointing out the various things she wanted such as blueberries, grapes and peppers and I was more than happy to indulge her healthy appetite!
Their selection of veggies is great and I particularly liked the different tomatoes, so much so we bought three kinds.
We bought lots of fresh bread as the bakery smelt so darn good including tiger bread which is a real favourite in our house.
A lot of products I would typically buy in a food shop were reduced with the new price cuts which is great for us including all the varieties of cream which we use a lot of as we make our own ice cream. Recipe post to follow!
The store ( at least my local store ) is bright, well laid out and clean. Everything is easy to find, the staff were helpful – in particular the butcher and the bakery staff which is always nice and there were lots of balloons swaying in the air which had Chloe transfixed for the entire duration of our shop – must keep some permanently blown up in my house.
I will share some full recipes with you later in the week of dishes I have cooked and the cost per meal so you know how easy and budget friendly it can be.
For now I will share a few photos of dishes we have cooked over the weekend using Morrisons products:
Griddled Asparagus – just perfect. I boiled for 4 mins in salted water, then rubbed with oil and salt and griddled for 5 minutes.
Cheats Chicken Korma.. We used chicken thighs ( cooked sous vide ) with diced sweet potato, courgette and green pepper. Sautéed in a pan then added the korma sauce and enjoyed with rice and naan bread.
Pork and chorizo burgers, halloumi burgers with chargrilled naans.. I forgot to buy bread rolls! Naughty mammy.
Chocolate cake.. Recipe to follow
We finished out the bank holiday with a rather nice brunch, griddled tomatoes and asparagus (again) with scrambled eggs and chorizo ( made in the sous vide and more than a bit good ) and I even griddled the tiger bread – I’m loving my griddle can’t you tell?
My verdict on the new, improved (well cheaper) Morrisons – I’m impressed. I enjoyed the shopping experience. Will I shop there forever more? Who knows. I’m pretty fickle and a bargain hunter so if the prices remain competitive then maybe so!
* I was provided with £80 worth of shopping vouchers with which to complete my shop and asked to write about my experience in return.
Wow – you have been busy cooking up tasty treats. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part.