After spending a good chunk of this pregnancy expecting baby to arrive early and hoping that she wouldn’t it now feels rather strange that I am almost officially classed as term (37wks on Friday although by my dates I am actually 37 &4 today) and baby is still safely tucked up inside. How amazing is that?
As amazing as it is and believe me I am thrilled that we lasted this long it does now feel like we have even waiting for our baby FOREVER. Every single day I wake thinking will it be today and every twinge is possible labour pain. It’s a nightmare. In theory I am more than happy to wait until baby is ready to arrive as I want her to be as healthy and strong as can be but I am finding it so frustrating. I didn’t feel like this last time at all in fact when my waters went at 37wks just before a trip to the supermarket it was such a shock that I didn’t have time to think of anything.
Last Thursday my midwife informed me I’m 3/5 engaged and she would be surprised if I made my next appointment and I have to admit I was quite excited. The last few weeks have been so sore and uncomfortable that I was done I guess. However Mother Nature thinks differently and so does my baby apparently. I don’t actually feel like she will be here in the next few days and now I realise it was a good thing. Izzy is really not well..she had a week of us knowing something was brewing and then over the weekend turned into a horrible cold which is now a cough and a wheeze too. We were woken at 5am today by a lovely outpouring of vomit over our freshly changed bedding and right now I’m sat on the sofa with her watching Shrek and having cuddles. If I had been in hospital when she was ill I would have felt terrible and if I’d had a teeny newborn here I would have been so worried about her becoming ill as well so its all for the best.
My baby girl will arrive when she’s good and ready and I will spend the time waiting with my other (slightly bigger) baby girl, making sure she gets better and has all the attention she needs.
Sorry baby for wanting you here so badly. I guess I just want to see for myself that you are just fine.
Until you are ready I will try to stop being so cranky and moaning about any pain..after all this is my final pregnancy I should …ahem try to enjoy it right?
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