After what seemed like the longest pregnancy on earth I cannot believe how quickly this past month has gone. Chloe is one month old already. Kind of scary.
On the day she was born:
She feels like such a a huge part of our family that its strange to think of a time when she wasn’t here.
So what can I tell you about her first month?
She looks …still a lot like her sister but you can see her own little character starting to show through.
She weighs ..a whopping 9lb4oz. She started at 7lb8oz so she is doing pretty well.
She feeds.. A lot! Some days it feels like she barely leaves my breast but she has started to go for longer stretches during the night which is helpful. She cluster feeds mostly during the evenings and it can be very tiring but she will then sleep for 4 (once even 5) hours when she goes to bed which is a relief. I know this may not continue so enjoying it while it lasts.
She sleeps..still a fair portion of the day. She will have about 2 hours in the morning after waking at 8ish then she will have some awake time before a really long nap from 2.30-5ish and then she will feed and have very short naps up until 10/11pm before staying to settle ready for a longer sleep.
She wears..still some newborn and some 0-3 depending on the brand. She has some really cute outfits:
She loves..being held up high on your shoulder or tucked down a tight top. Even when not feeding she likes to spend hours close to my chest just staring at her food source. Cuddles with Iz in the morning.
She loves her bouncer and being snuggled in blankets. She absolutely loves her baths with me and Izzy. She likes her sling and her wrap and cosied up on her Daddy’s lap.
She hates..when she first goes in her car seat. Having to wait more than once minute for food and being stripped to be weighed. Being rudely awoken by her big sis wanting to play. Being winded late at night when she’s tired and grouchy.
I love when she is so very full after a feed with milk on her cheeks and a dazed look in her eyes:
We are all utterly besotted with her. We are so very lucky.
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Sadly time flies even more with the second one – I can’t believe we’re already at 13 months 🙁 Enjoy every second! Xx