About 2/3 weeks ago every night I went to bed thinking ooh tonight could be the night.. I had everything clean and tidy downstairs, my clothes ready to zoom off and I knew everyone’s plans so as to ensure childcare for Izzy. Last night I went to bed with a (slightly) messy house, no outfit ready to go and nothing ready for Izzy should we need to dash off.
When did this change? I’m not really sure. I do know that now when I go to bed I just feel like I will be forever pregnant. I dread bedtime as I’m sure most women in the third trimester do as its just so uncomfortable and with ALL of the toilet breaks … 🙁
So I feel as though I’m no longer waiting although I’m just a week from being overdue. It’s weird but almost a relief to have stopped symptom spotting. I know its going to happen but I’ve stopped worrying when..for now at least.
I still get contractions every night but that’s happened for weeks and my bump is way down there but realistically I know I could still have 2 weeks or so.. Or it could be today. Who knows? I’m starting to find it strangely exciting not knowing when.
I can’t wait to meet you baby girl but in your own time. I do thank you for not coming earlier this week when your big sister wasn’t well. You knew she needed me here.
I will write my 39wk update with a little more detail tomorrow but here is a quick bump shot:
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