I don’t remember the last time we spent time in the garden in t shirts. Today may have been the first day since last Summer when I was quite happy letting Izzy run around with no coat, hat or cardigan. She loved it. I’m trying to get her interested in the garden.. At the moment she loves pulling up grass, trying to eat stones and chasing bubbles. In the last week or so we have been planting herbs, lettuce and trying to clear clutter.
Our aim before summer begins is to sort out our patio and make the garden a child friendly place to be.
We also planted sunflowers this week.. They are my favourite flowers and I’m eager to see how tall they grow 🙂
I found some fab sunflower tips amongst others for planting seeds with children here
My happiest memories growing up involved being outdoors and playing in the garden whether it be building dens, planting potatoes with my Dad and playing in the paddling pool. I want my children to have that – good, clean (possibly muddy) natural fun. It’s not all about the iPads, Cbeebies and interactive toys. It’s so important to get your children interested in the great outdoors while they are still young enough to have some influence.
I used to love eating fresh peas straight after picking them with my mum sitting on the back steps and visiting our friends garden and running around stealing raspberries – the freshest juiciest raspberries I can ever remember tasting. I think a lot of my happiness came from spending time having fun with my parents around me – not stopping my fun but knowing they were there.
What are your musts for a garden for young children? What plants would be fun for them to watch grow?
She’s a good little worker!
Hey Mam, I think I deserve a snack after all that work…
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