So I’m still here.. 38 weeks and 1 day pregnant. I had a pretty rubbish night of irregular but very painful contractions and once again my body almost tricked me into thinking it was time to start planning our trip to the hospital but no. Everything has eased off and other than a very sore belly and well other parts…ahem…I’m fine.
Still ice and teeth brushing but that’s about it. Exciting huh?
I don’t want to eat much anymore. I get really hungry and then as soon as the food is in front of me I feel sick and full almost immediately. I am trying to eat small high calorie snacks as much as possible but still no weight gain in the past 5 weeks. My midwife isn’t concerned as overall I’ve gained enough weight and baby is growing well.
At my midwife appointment this week she was concerned about the babys presentation (she thought she was breech) so I was sent for a scan that afternoon. Baby is thankfully still head down and is getting pretty big so that’s one less thing to stress about. She is still pretty active – normally whenever I try to eat which makes me feel rather queasy but I still love the feeling. I have had a couple of occasions now when I can clearly feel the outline of a foot and its a weird feeling. I don’t remember this from last time but I guess Izzy came early so that may be why.
Izzy is good fun at the moment, full of amusing chatter and showing off her dancing skills. We were lucky to be able to take her into the scan with us this week along with my mum and she loved it. She kept repeating “mammys baby” over and over and pointing at the screen. When we got home she was a lot more cuddly with my belly and I wonder if she is almost starting to understand – probably not but it may have helped. She also has started to call the bump “Baby ???” – the name we are considering and it sounds mega cute. We aren’t 100% sure of it yet so I won’t share but yay we finally have a shortlist ( albeit a very very short one).
Isn’t she lovely?
Half the time I feel like I should be getting my rest and the other half I feel like I should be trying to walk this baby out. Most of the time I find it too hard and uncomfortable to rest, unless in the bath and whilst I try to walk more its nearly always too sore to walk for long. I tend to potter about the house more and the constant cleaning up the toy chaos and chasing Izzy about keeps me busy.
We have been eating out more which saves me cooking and is a nice break from being stuck at home and we had another cinema date last night to see Thor which was fun.
I’m a little less grumpy than I was but I still have my days (sorry) and I’m quite emotional but mostly now I am just really eager to meet our baby and kiss her soft skin.
Bump update:
Inducing labour:
After all my hospital visits and appointments this pregnancy I’m super keen to avoid being induced-this will happen 2 weeks Monday if I haven’t naturally gone into labour so now that she is term and a good size I’m planning to try all the natural methods of starting things off. So far we tried eating Chicken Madras ( I’m normally a butter chicken girl) and aside from burning my mouth and making me sneeze it didn’t work.. I have also tried pineapple..liquorice and raspberry leaf tea. What do you suggest?
Once again I hope this is my last pregnancy update but I will probably see you here next week 😉
Still can’t believe we made it this far. Well done baby bump.
Thanks for your support so far, its meant such a lot. Now just send me labour vibes please.