For quite a long time now I’ve been thinking about joining in with The Gallery, a weekly linky set up by Tara over on The Sticky Fingers Blog but for one reason or another I forget or something pops up.
I’m joining in with this weeks theme which is Creative. We are a fairly creative family. I love to bake and create in the kitchen. Andrew is super handy and makes everything around the house. Izzy loves to cut and paint and collect bits. Chloe likes to make a mess.
I am trying to be more creative with my photos. Maybe not always taking a photo from the same angle as before. Not always needing people to look at the camera before I take a shot.
This photo I took at a local beach. Nobody looked up while I snapped away. They were absorbed in the fun of the seaside. Exploring rock pools..being kids ( little and large).
Why don’t you take a look at the other photos in the gallery: