This seems an apt time to ask you how many toys does your child have? And secondly how many do they play with?
Izzy has lots of toys. I should state that we haven’t bought her lots but I’m from a large family and things get passed along quite regularly. I have always welcomed this as I know that lots of people aren’t lucky enough to have family to share and spoil. The last few days I have been thinking more and more about how many toys she should have out readily at her disposal to play with. I’m not a mean mammy I just don’t want her to be spoilt. Christmas is really what made me think about this.
We only spent about £30 on Izzy this year including stocking fillers as I knew it would be hard for her to appreciate it being only 16 months old. We bought her a few books,some stacking cups and a few bits n pieces. On Christmas morning she enjoyed opening presents and kissing pictures of Upsy Daisy .. By the end of Boxing Day she had approximately an extra 25 presents. Only 2 of which were clothing. The presents are gorgeous but on top of what she already has I don’t know how many she should be able to play with at one time. We are planning to keep some in her bedroom for her morning play ( she always plays in her cot for at least 30 mins on waking while we get some extra snooze and loves having separate toys up there) and perhaps leave some of her older toys with grandparents so that she always has something familiar to play with. I will keep all her books out as she loves to read ( well look at pics) and I want to encourage that but any tips on what to do? Should I pack some away for a month or two? I don’t want to be mean but I don’t want her to grow up to expect this either. Hmm its difficult.
What did your little one have for Christmas? What are your thoughts on this?
I should point out that I was of course grateful for all of her gifts and some of them really were beautiful and thoughtful it’s just very hard to know what to do.
I also may steal her hungry caterpillar cup for myself as its so damn cute.
She loved her “ipad”- the Haribo selection pack in background belongs to Daddy!
Wearing great Nans Christmas hat
Also do you have any funny names for your child’s toys? The pic below shows Izzy in her baby Einstein activity centre ( passed onto by family) which we call “the one that can’t move” for example if I’m cooking and my OH needs to pop upstairs or out I will say ” Put her in the one that can’t move for a few mins” it’s been brilliant as she enjoys it for short bursts and still hasn’t figured out how to get out.
Thanks for reading, I’d love your comments 😉