Sometimes I find it hard looking for healthy but tasty snacks for Izzy. Sure she loves cheese puffs and give her a biscuit and she will love you forever but we all know that’s not ideal. Yoghurts, cheese, carrot and pepper sticks all go down well here but I think it’s good to be creative and make it a bit fun for your toddler.. I mean food before 1 is just for fun but does that mean food after 1 can’t be fun? Surely not.
So over the next few months I’m running this feature ..aptly named Toddler Treats.
I’d love you to get involved and Instagram/blog or tweet your children’s favourite snacks or light meals – just use the hash tag #toddlertreats
The first snack idea I stole from Brittany at A Healthy Slice of Life I LOVE this blog. Sometimes I wish I lived in America so I could eat and shop in the amazing places that she does. Jealous much? Anyway she has fab ideas for food for children and adults which has even earned her a little tv spot in America. Anyway it’s a cute blog so go follow it and if you live in the UK you will find a nice little email notification on many an early morning with a post to read while your still tucked up in bed.
Brittany mentioned Banana Sushi and it looked so simple I had to give it a whirl especially as Izzy loves peanut butter and bananas. I can’t really write a recipe out for this as its too simple but what I did ( slightly adapted ) was use a whole grain tortilla wrap and spread it with smooth peanut butter and then place a banana on one end and roll up tightly to form a sausage shape. Then slice into rounds to look like sushi. Tada. Brittany suggested a small pot of honey to dip but as Izzy loves yoghurt sooo much I used a fromage frais instead… It went down so well! She loved the whole dipping aspect and was very excited when she discovered the slices of banana.
Definitely one to recommend.
Next post will be an easy peasy hummus/houmous recipe -delicious for you as well as your toddler.
My happy wild child