About 4 months ago I was given the opportunity to review a maternity pillow from Theraline – I am so thankful! It’s rare that I get to review a product which has been so useful on a daily basis and this truly has. In fact you have probably seen me tweeting or instagramming pics most weeks now. I LOVE IT.
Ok so firstly my personal opinions aside here is what you need to know about this pillow:
*It provides stable support during your pregnancy
*A massive relief for legs, belly and a stressed back
*Makes it a lot easier to change sleeping positions
*Offering real comfort for baby feeding
*Safely moulds to baby’s body
*Amazing back support for mum
I have used it EVERY day apart from one silly night when I was admitted to hospital and forgot to take it with me. On my second overnight stay I was more prepared. I took it to Camp Bestival which I actually think is the only way I managed to sleep there.
I’ve used it to read, watch films and rest. It has eased my cramps, pelvic pressure and back pain. It supports my entire body in a squishy, moulded to my body type of way.
I won’t ever be getting pregnant again. That much I am sure of but if I ever did I would most certainly want this pillow on the journey. It is without a doubt the best pregnancy purchase you can make.
Within 2 months my baby will be here and I cannot wait to be able to use this as a breast feeding support. I’m sure it will be the spot of many hours of bonding with my newborn and I think I will use it beyond feeding as a comfy pillow for reading.
All in all one of the easiest reviews I’ve ever written. 5 stars from me.
For more information visit the Theraline website
*As stated I was provided with this product free of charge in exchange for a review.