You should now have read my previous post introducing my Britmums Live Sponsors but if you haven’t click here and read all about the lovely MamaBabyBliss and Treasured brands who are very kindly sponsoring me.
Name: Becky
Blog: Munchies and Munchkins
Twitter ID: @writingforfun
Height: 5′ 5..ish.
Hair: shoulder length dark brown.. Could be wildly curly or straight depending on how much sleep I get the night before.
Eyes: kinda colour.
Is this your first blogging conference? No, it’s my second BML and I’ve also attended Blogcamp.
Are you attending both days? Yes. Although how long I stay each day depends on how well Chloe plays along as she is attending with me as she cannot bear to be parted from my boobs.
What are you most looking forward to at BritMums Live 2014?
Catching up with blogging friends, staying at the home of the very lovely Franglaise Mummy and meeting people who I’ve only ever met in Twitter life. I want to squeeze some babies and bloggers ( you know who you are ) eat cake and chat with some brands and PRs both new and ones I have a relationship with already.
What are you wearing? Last year I was really worried about what to wear but this year not so much. Mainly as I cannot remember what anyone wore last year apart from the ones who wore ridiculously cute babies on their chests. I will either be wearing jeans and a fat face shirt/vest or a maxi dress/skirt. I will be opting for comfort rather than cool and definitely flats over heels. My best accessory will be Chloe.
What do you hope to gain from BritMums Live 2014? Ideas of how to improve my blog and help it grow. So much has happened for me blog wise in the last year but I know I can do more.
Do you have any tips to pass on to others who may not have been before?
Try not to be too nervous. The very beginning part is the worst as there is a sea of bloggers so arrange to meet or go to a pre meet up. I will be at All Bar One from 12.45pm, meet me if you like. After that it’s easy peasy.
Ooh and this is me.. And Chloe:
Please come and say hello. I’m nowhere near as confident in real life as I am on here and if you read my blog then I love you already.
See you by the cake table.