If you have a baby or toddler there seems to be a few questions which get asked repeatedly by everyone you see, they also get debated on social media or snidely mentioned at playgroups:
1. Does he/she sleep through the night?
This is one which I got asked by pretty much every person I spoke to for the first 12 months of Izzys life. Sometimes by people without children who were curious, sometimes by my family depending on how knackered I looked but mostly by people who already had children ..perfect children who could put themselves to sleep and sleep 7-7 from an absurdly young age.. They asked me so that in turn I would ask them and then they could do the smug smile and tell me what I really did not want to hear.
Izzy is 14 months old. She has just started sleeping through the night and it’s still not a certainty. Most nights we climb into bed hoping and hoping for an uninterrupted night and luckily now.. Finally I’d say maybe 4 out of 7 nights we get it. Yay. I won’t gloat over that as I know it could change in a minute.
Sleeping ..like a baby. Hahahahahaha hahahaha.
2. Is he/she walking?
This is something I have noticed discussed more and more at playgroups and more often that not it seems to be a very competitive subject amongst the parents. Why? It’s your child learning to walk not you. If they do it at 8 months or 18 months it doesn’t make you a better parent, yes be proud of your child but please don’t tell someone whose baby is just 16 months old that perhaps they should get them checked out because they aren’t yet walking. This happened at my local playgroup last week and the poor mum looked so upset.
Izzy took her first steps at 9 months, it was exciting and I think mainly happened as she is so damn nosey. She very quickly realised that she could get about crawling a lot faster and with less bumps so she gave up on it for a while before getting back into it around 11/12 months. Now she is too fast for my liking and can climb onto tables in the blink of an eye. This is scary so please enjoy your crawling baby a little longer. They only walk when THEY are ready.
3. What can he/she say?
From reading some of the more popular baby forums you would think that all babies are putting together full sentences by the time they are one and can sign for everything they want or need. Is this really the case? Are there some super babies?
Izzy babbles A LOT but it’s mostly mam, dad, nanna or variations of and her very favourite word/sound Hiya. She doesn’t really say a lot more than that. She has learnt to say ta or mmmmm when she wants something be it food or drink and will occasionally say other words such as car, family names or a noise which sound like she is clearing her throat instead of tick tock (clock).
I don’t expect a lot more at this age and I don’t get frustrated as I know she is taking in so much. I do occasionally get a bit embarrassed by the Hiyas though. Anyone else have a baby who will not stop saying hiya.. Over and over again. Normally in quiet restaurants.
I haven’t taught Izzy any sign language and I know it’s a very popular method these days, she has learnt to point at what she likes, puts her arms up to be held or her best one of all ..going stiff and throwing her head back. I believe the last one is pretty common and pretty much just means she is peed off.
There are many more of these questions but they seem to be the most popular ones.
What can your child do? Do you feel under pressure by family/playgroupers/forumfriends/tweeters?
I’d love to know.
I’ve tried not to gloat too much about my amazing child but seriously how many of your children will do this when asked to do a trout pout?
It’s her party piece 😉