I won’t keep you long as I’m tired but yes it’s my due date and yes baby is still safely tucked up in my belly. She’s obviously comfy and warm and knows that snow is expected next week so wants to stay put. I can’t say I blame her really.
So yes full term..this week has been interesting. I’ve had a million am I, aren’t I moments but all came to nothing ..obviously.
Yesterday I had a stretch n sweep.. That’s not some new fitness/cleaning craze but a lovely little sweep of the cervix by my luckily very gentle midwife. It’s far from pleasant but its not painful as such just a bit well not nice and I’ve got to have another one on Monday and then Wednesday.. Argh. Unless baby comes .. Please baby girl.
I’ve tried all the methods of natural induction and they don’t work.. I think they only actually work when baby is completely ready to arrive.
Hot curry just burnt my mouth and made me sneeze.. Pineapple made my tongue sore and clary sage oil makes me incredibly relaxed but that’s about it.
I feel rather over stretched in the belly department but I don’t feel too huge everywhere else right now. My family and friends are being ever so nice to me and I’m being a lot less grumpy in return.
I’m still worried about lots of things but I’m trying to chill.
Last update? I really hope so.