I spent today – International Women’s Day with some pretty fabulous bloggers – mainly women with the exception of Tom Arber ( photographer and guest speaker).
Having never attended a blog summit/blog camp/bloggers conference I didn’t know what to expect and I imagine I was not alone in being slightly apprehensive..possibly even a little scared ( yes I am a wimp). Thankfully it was a really lovely day learning lots of new ( very useful) blogging tips. I know what SEO means now: search engine optimisation don’t ya know. I know that Google can be pretty evil and will sometimes inspect my blog with a fine toothcomb. I know how to avoid incurring Googles wrath (Thanks to Tom at Fresh Egg) I know to how to take better photos thanks to the very lovely Becky & Tom of the amazing Ar Blog.
I learnt about how to work with charities and the good my blog could possibly do thanks to Annie ( Mammasaurus) – possibly the only blogger we all instantly recognised.. She’s friends with Davina and Jonathan Ross and part of the famous #teamhonk and I learnt a million useful tips from Cathy of Nurturestore – my Pinterest is getting an overhaul and Facebook well I may just venture back into your murky waters. I also met founder of Tots100 Sally Whittle and lots of lovely twitter friends. In fact it was kind of like a game of guess who trying to match the twitter name to the person.
I will be signing up with Blinx and Tots100 ads shortly to help them raise money for charity via advertising as a result of some inspiring chatter today – interesting times for us parent bloggers
Sometimes a group of women can be intimidating but for once I can honestly say I didn’t really worry about how I looked or if my blog stats were higher than whoever I chatted to or how many slots above me they were in the Tots100 chart. I just enjoyed the characters I met and being part of such a supportive community. We have been reminded lately of just how amazing the blogger network can be and today was yet another example of that. Thanks to all at Tots100 who made it such an interesting day, to Fresh Egg, Blinx and the guest speakers.
Ooh I almost forgot there was free Actimel! Lots of it. The coconut flavour is divine and I’m not being paid to tell you that 😉
Here is a fellow blogger @optforoptimism with her Actimel stash:
I forgot to take any other pics. I was engrossed 😀