I drink more in the summertime. Both non alcoholic and alcoholic drinks. A glass of prosecco tastes so much better in the sun. I don’t drink to excess ..in fact I typically only drink one as I’m breastfeeding but I REALLY enjoy that one drink and when you are limiting the amount that you drink well you want it to taste good.
We have recently started to do a lot of our food shopping at Aldi as one has opened very close by and it’s so reasonably priced for most of the products we use. This is not a review.. Although I guess it is but I want to make it clear that I paid for all of these products myself. We have been so impressed by the drinks in particular that I wanted to tell you about our favourites.
Starting with the Prosecco. I’ve tried quite a few proseccos over the years and this is by far my favourite. It’s light, crispy and goes perfectly with some strawberry syrup. Delicous. Plus it’s only £5.99 which is a bit of a bargain.
Next the Alska Strawberry and Lime cider which I LOVE! I really like the rekorderlig version of this drink but it’s a lot pricier and this at just £1.59 is just as good in my opinion.
The Orchard Premium Original Cider is a favourite of my OH and is a steal at 99p.
The Cosmopolitan cocktail is priced at £4.99 and is delicous, although I prefer it in a tall glass filled with ice and wedges of lime as it tastes quite strong when it’s neat.
L’esprit D’Orange is the Aldi version of Cointreau and is perfect for mixing with cocktails or even just added to chilled lemonade and crushed ice. It’s priced at £5.99 which when compared to a price of around £13.00 plus for holes of Cointreau is a bit of a steal.
We have also been really enjoying the Mexican Lime and Raspberry and Mint Vive soft drinks. Priced at 49p for a litre they are an ideal budget mixer.
If you are planning a party or BBQ you may just find it worth popping along to your local store.
*All items were paid for in full by myself.