In my recent post on pregnancy cravings I revealed that my dislike for carrots has over the past few weeks gone from a like to a love to an obsession. I eat carrots every day and I’ve started making them in lots of different ways. I think I saw this idea a long time ago on Pinterest but dismissed it as being yucky carrots – I know. Childish. Anyway this week while boiling some beautiful fresh carrots I decided that this would be a delicious way to serve them so here they are ..super sweet carrots:
Super sweet carrots
You will need:
4 carrots (diced quite thickly)
1.5 tbsp of brown sugar
1 tbsp butter
Cook your carrots on the hob in boiling water until just firm ( or to your liking – I like mine firm)
When cooked drain and put back on the hob on a low heat with your brown sugar and butter and simmer for a few minutes until ready to serve.
Simple and delicious.
I’ve made minted peas on lots of occasions, however I never seem to really get the complete mintyness (not a word I know) that I crave into the peas. Tonight I changed that by using my Vitamix to create a mint pea purée to serve with lamb chops. Wowee it was delicious, fresh and minty.
Vitamix puréed mint peas
You will need:
Frozen peas ( amounts depending on how many you are serving )
1 tbsp of salted butter
A bunch of fresh garden mint
Black pepper
Cook your peas until ready to serve (boil, steam or microwave) and then put into your blender ( I used my Vitamix ) with your butter, mint and pepper and whiz up until beautifully smooth. Add more mint if required. Other blenders may not create a purée quite as smooth.
Serve immediately.
I served both of the above sides with my ultimate sauté potatoes and minted lamb chops. It was a beautiful easy meal.
Your food always looks incredible! x
Thank you lovely lady x