“Procrastination is the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, and thus putting off impending tasks to a later time, sometimes to the “last minute” before the deadline.”
I am brilliant at procrastinating. In fact I could win a prize for it I’m sure.
I go to bed each night with a hundred ideas rolling around my head. I make mental lists of what I absolutely MUST do the next day and you know what the next day .. Hmmm. I may not get anything on that list finished.
I blame tiredness and yes I am oh so tired. Or I blame the fact that I’m busy with the little ones which of course I am but the crux of it is that I am responsible for lots of things which don’t get done when I need to do them.
When I return to work ..in just 10 weeks or so things will be even more chaotic so I need to sort myself out.
The more that piles up on my list, the less I seem to get done and the more I worry about it. It certainly doesn’t help my stress and anxiety levels.
So I’m making a list here. On the blog. Of ten things I need to do this week.
Next Sunday I will come back and publicly tell you if I got it done. Pressure huh?
In no particular order:
1. Call mortgage provider and chat about changing my mortgage – this is a big one. It’s been on my mental to do list for weeks and I’m potentially losing money by not doing it.
2. Write four blog posts, publish them and schedule a further three.
3. Sort out all household admin. Bills. Payments. Etc etc.
4. Another big one. Get at least half of Chloe’s new bedroom completed. We need her in her own room soon as she is getting woken up by us during the night.
5. Plan Izzys birthday party. Decide on the design of her cake and tell family when to be here.
6. Have a night out with Andrew. This is important as we need some time another as a couple.
7. Persevere with Chloe taking milk from a cup.
8. Keep to current nap routine for Chloe and bedtime routine for both girls.
9. Bake with Izzy. We did this regularly for months but lately it’s fallen by the wayside. She loves it. I love it. We should do it more.
10. Take girls swimming, we have a voucher to use for a local pool and because of coughs n colds etc we haven’t been.
Not a very exciting post is it? Sorry 🙂
I’m also planning to read up on lots of websites/blogs for tips on organising my life more – if you have any advice send it my way.
Are you organised or do you put things off?
procrastination is either my biggest letdown or my biggest virtue * I am going to have to ponder this now !
Ha I’m glad I’m not the only one who suffers 🙂