There are some things you NEED in pregnancy..chocolate and cake being just two of these things.
Here is my list ( which I will probably update sporadically) of the products/services etc that I feel are my essentials. So in no particular order:
1. Comfy bras – this really is a must. Your boobs will hurt. A lot. They will grow and feel tender to the point where your normal bra will feel like an object of torture. For bed I am currently wearing an Asda comfort bra which is simply a seamless/hook and wire free bra – almost like a crop top. Super comfy but with support. For daytime around the house I use a Bravado bra which is also really comfy and if I want a really nice shape but still non wired I use one that I bought in my last pregnancy from Mothercare. I do need more so your recommendations are appreciated.
2. Comfy knickers – normal underwear in a larger size doesn’t really cut it unless you want a fit around the belly with a saggy bum. I have maternity ones from h&m but my favourite ones are seamless black shorts from Primark – buy these in your normal size as they are super stretchy and are great for post birth too… Oh and very cheap.
3. Gaviscon/rennie/indigestions tablets – I use the cheap antacid tablets from Asda that are suitable for pregnant women. I keep a roll in my bedroom/kitchen and handbag. You will NEED these.
4. 4Head – hormone headaches are a bitch. I try to avoid painkillers as much as possible and 4head works really fast. The head massagers that look like this:
as also really helpful.
5. A pregnancy pillow. Last time I bought a cheapy pillow from eBay and it made no difference at all. This time I was offered a Theraline pillow to review and its made a huge difference to my nighttime comfort. I will be posting a review of this soon and can’t recommend it enough.
6. Good quality maternity clothes – I didn’t really do this last time and regret it. This time around I’ve had some great things to review from Blossom, Seraphine and Isabella Oliver and I’ve invested in some fab basics from ASOS and H&M. It makes you feel so much better about yourself.
7. Body lotion/oil – I’m not really a believer in the whole oil up and you won’t get stretch marks myth as I bathed in it last time and guess what? Stretch marks. But your skin does get tight and dry particularly on your belly so a nice lotion like Palmers cocoa butter or Bodyshop scented oil is handy.
8. Babycentre app or similar – I relied on this more in my first pregancy if I’m honest but I still like to check in occasionally and see what size/development the baby has had that week.
9. Netflix – this time around I have loved netflix. When you feel rubbish or can’t sleep it’s a great way to pass the time and there are lots of baby/pregnancy related films that you can watch like: Friends with kids or What to expect when expecting etc.
10. Lots of good food – some days you won’t want to eat much and having the food around that you love means you are more likely to have at least a nibble throughout the day.
11. Isotonic drinks – not ENERGY drinks. Isotonic drinks such as blue powerade help replace lost salts and really really help with nighttime cramps.
12. Flat, comfortable shoes.. Like Sanuks or Vans.
13. Twitter – support from other pregnant people/helpful advice from other parents. It all really helps.
Here are what the lovely people of Twitter suggested:
* Heartburn meds
* Pedicures
* Palmers pregnancy cream/body butter
* Exercise ball
* Bio Oil
* Maternity Pillows
* Long vests
* Massages
* Halloumi
* Nipple cream
What are/were your pregnancy essentials?
Franglaise Mummy says
Gaviscon saved me last time round whereas I had no heart burn the first time. And decent bras definitely.
Andrea says
Mine was pointless because I was eating anything pickled washed down with Rennies!!
munchiesandmunchkins says
Hahah good old Rennies!
Rach says
Pregnancy pillow and my absolute saviour… Lactulose! 😉