I’ve often toyed with the idea of being a vegetarian or part time veggie for various reasons, financial and also along with most people I don’t like the idea of animals being killed or treated badly.
For years I’ve tried incredibly hard to use up all of the meat both to save money but also because I hate to waste meat more than anything else. If I cook a whole chicken then I use every part of it. Use by dates are noted and meat frozen if not used in time. I try to find free range meat where possible if I have been able to afford it. But I still feel like I eat too much meat. Most main meals ( evening) are centred around meat and often lunch will be tuna pasta or a ham sandwich etc. It’s something I’ve become used to as have the girls but I really do enjoy veg heavy meals so a change is needed.
Now I will say quite honestly that I don’t plan to become veggie as I do like meat and enjoy having it regularly – I know lots will disagree with that opinion but we are all entitled to our own and this is mine. I have however decided to cut down on my meat consumption. Every week will have two entirely meat free days. They won’t be the same two days each week as I’ll adapt for when suits best but I will do the two days every week and aim to do meat free Monday as much as possible.
I’ve looked into this a little and chatted to others who do this and there are apparently a lot of benefits from going meat free for at least one day a week. From helping with the environment to better heart health and the obvious one is financial.
I’ll keep you posted on how I get on. I plan on making lots of dishes using butter beans and chickpeas plus hearty vegetable stews and curries. If I enjoy it and find it maintainable I may look at going 50/50 but I do enjoy meat a lot and don’t ever anticipate it being a full time thing.
Are you vegetarian/vegan? Any recipes I have to try out?
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