Chloe is just under the magical 6 month age at which it’s deemed the ‘right’ time to wean your baby. In 2014 that is. In 1999 it was 4 months .. In 1983 when I was born my mum tells me most people weaned anytime after 3 months. Now 3 months seems way too early to me, to be honest 4 months seems too young to me as my baby was nowhere near ready at that age but it’s such a personal choice. Anyway we are nearly at the magic age and we have started weaning.
Only just. But we have started.
She had her weigh in at the health visitor last week and although she looks perfectly healthy she is not really gaining weight at the rate that they would like so a little encouragement that it was time to start weaning was all I needed really as I knew in my head that she was ready and apparently the fact that she was 2 weeks late makes a difference..who knew?
And as a very good midwife friend of mine said it’s not as if a switch flips at 6months.
We have started with small amounts of puréed sweet potato and puréed apples or pears. I have been cooking the fruits and vegetables in my Sous Vide machine and then simply mushing them about in the bag before serving.
So not actually pureeing although when I make larger quantities for freezing etc I will probably blend them all up in the Vitamix.
Ready for dinner..
Sweet potato is met with a smile and apple is tolerated with a mild grimace but she seems to be enjoying. We are only offering a tablespoon or two each mealtime so as not to overload her little belly and she still feeds off me just as much but the journey has begun and apart from the messiness we are all enjoying. Izzy is thrilled that her sister is learning to eat and learning to talk ( well to make noises) I think she has started to realise that sometime in the not so distant future she will have a real playmate.
We had an awful few days of very little sleep and manic hour long feeds this week which I’m really really hoping was her 6 month growth spurt a week or so early. Fingers crossed.
I will let you know how we get on as our weaning journey continues!
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