This may sound crazy to you.. it does even to me actually. I’ve pretty much completed my Christmas shopping. I am so disorganised normally that I generally still feel panicky on Christmas Eve but this year I knew that with a relatively small newborn ish baby at that time I needed to be prepared. Baby 2 is due on Nov if I go overdue ( which currently seems VERY unlikely) she could be just a few weeks old on Christmas day.
So I began planning..and shopping a few months back. I have a LOT of people to buy for. Aside from my little family ( OH, Iz and new baby) I have a lot of siblings and their partners..12 nieces and nephews, my OH’s family and extended family and friends. Arrrrggh.
I decided to make things easier on myself.
For 8 of my nieces and nephews I have bought cinema vouchers. They take up a teeny amount of space in my Christmas chest and I know they can all go together one day and have a fun day out.
For the younger remaining ones I have small gifts which I’ve picked up on sale and the older one I have some cool smellies.
For inlaws and extended family I’ve stocked up at the local Bookers on booze and picked up special food items at Food festivals earlier in the year. I had every intention of making hampers again but I can’t see it happening.
Iz gets a lot of presents from extended family so I’m taking advantage of the fact that she is too young to nag for a big present and giving her lots of little things such a sticker books and fun crafty things to keep her occupied when I’m feeding baby 2. I also had lots of cool things from Britmums goodie bags which I’ve hoarded way. We do plan to buy her a bike/trike in the January sales.
Baby 2 has some snuggly toy items and that’s about it.
Friends and my older siblings will have wine/chocs and be grateful for it.
My younger siblings have some cool fat face stuff which I got on sale..agessss ago and the older ones have some fab cocktail mixes etc which I bought when reduced a while back.
My OH has yet to choose his gift so he will either have money or things I can buy online. Simple.
I’ve even started stocking up on Christmas snacks and chocs.. Unfortunately unlike the wine I can eat these now so the stock is depleting but Asda/Morrisons will always be around.
Have you done all your shopping?
I was the exact same last year when pregnant with C – you won’t regret it, believe me! xx