Firstly don’t go getting excited. I haven’t had the baby and I’m not sitting here supping on entinox (gas&air) but I never would have imagined I would STILL be pregnant. My “official” due date is tomorrow, my own estimated due date was last Friday so by MY date I’m almost a week overdue and I really feel it.
For the past 2-3 weeks I’ve had more nights of irregular painful contractions than I care to remember..I wake each day with an incredibly sore belly and no baby. The night before last was particularly bad and my midwife thinks I may now be in slow labour..MAY.
Today I see my midwife for what I really hope is the final time before baby comes and she will examine me to see if things are happening..if not I may be given a stretch and sweep – I’m really hoping that’s not as uncomfortable/awkward as it sounds. On Monday if I am still waiting I will see my consultant who will also try to move things along. I really want things to happen naturally for me as I seem to hear more and more negative stories about inductions every day – in fact to be completely truthful with you I am starting to get a little bit scared. Scared that my baby is getting too big for me to deliver (I know it’s daft) scared of being induced and it taking days of horrid unnatural labour but mostly scared of the risks that can increase due to being overdue.
My body is tired, my mind even more so. I want to stop thinking I’m in labour and then to be disappointed. I really want to lie on my stomach. I want my baby lying in my arms and my toddler and man at my side and for EVERYONE to be just fine. Mostly I want the stress of this pregnancy to be gone.
I’m really sorry for the moan. Again. I know how incredibly lucky I am to be pregnant and we are overjoyed to know our baby will be here soon but I will admit to you all this is hard.
Thanks for reading and supporting me through my pregnancy, your comments/emails help more than you could know.
This is what I did for my last 2 children (out if 3). All in one day, ran up and down the stairs as many times as I could manage, ate a rather hot curry and lastly, had an early night with husband (yes -that!) both times was in labour 4 hours later with nice quick births! So much better than the first one! Enjoy reading your bogs thanks, best wishes x
Oh bless you, and firstly well done on getting this far! I remember you saying ages ago that you wasn’t sure you would get to your due date. Secondly, don’t worry about moaning. We are here to listen and encourage. The day is drawing ever closer, it’s exciting! X
I really feel for you, I thought C would be early so when I got to my due date I felt the same as you. I had a sweep for C, it didn’t hurt and combined with a curry and glass of red wine are what did it for me I reckon. Also I was induced with L and it was fine, so try not to worry about induction if you can. Sending massive hugs & much love, Sophie xx