I’m 31 weeks pregnant this week. WOOP.
So yup the baby is about the size of 4 navel oranges which is strange as all I want to eat are apples.
The cravings have properly kicked in this week and there are 5 things I really want .. All day. Every day.
*Steak – oh steak how I love you. I have never been a huge red meat fan. I like steak but its always been an occasional treat. Now I really want it. A lot. BUT it has to be good steak.. Ideally from the butcher or M&S which obviously gets a bit expensive so I am trying to limit it. But ah I want it. Even now at 10.30pm.
*Apples – I like apples but mostly in crumbles and pies. I normally prefer strawberries or mangoes but this past week I am all about the apples. I’m limiting myself to 2 a day.
*Carrots – now this is the oddest of all. I don’t like carrots, I eat them as they are good for me but I’ve never enjoyed them so normally I eat them raw or in stews etc as less offensive to me. I have tried for years to make myself enjoy them with various recipes but um no. Now however I just want carrots all the time..cooked or raw. I actually made the most beautiful carrot side dish earlier today using brown sugar and butter..dreamy.
*Ice – still loving ice but try not have too much as I don’t want to hurt my teeth. It’s all in the crunch of the ice and the size of the cube. I’m such a weirdo.
*Brushing my teeth – this has been an obsession for over a month now. I brush my teeth about 5 times a day. My dentist will be pleased.
What odd cravings have you had? I’m glad that mine are reasonably healthy and not too mad like petrol or coal.
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