It’s GrillStock this weekend. Woop. It feels like we have been waiting for it for such a long time.
There is lots to look forward to from an amazing musical line up:
Main Stage Saturday 7th June
Fun Lovin’ Criminals
Danny and the Champions of the World
The Dirty Gentlemen
Screamin’ Miss Jackson & the Slap Ya’ Mamma Big Band
Radio Riddler
Main Stage Sunday 8th June
Hayseed Dixie
The Urban Voodoo Machine
The Future Shape of Sound
The Montgomerys
To savoury cocktails… Yes I did say savoury cocktails:
< Frank’s RedHot® and French’s will be serving a range of unbelievable concoctions created by a world class mixologist. I fancy trying an apple mustard sour or maybe a red hot rodeo /em>
Then of course there is the food…
A hot dog, hot wing and chilli eating competitions
The Weber Grill Academy will be cooking up a storm with chef demonstrations and BBQ tips. “Fanatical about barbecuing and taking grilling to another level, the humble sausage and burger need to step aside when the team get busy with their own twist on American style barbecuing. 18hr low and slow briskets, fire baked pizzas, and smoking, will all be on the agenda”
As well as The GrillStock King of the Grill contest and LOADS more.
We can’t wait. Head on down and say hello if you see us 😉
* we have been gifted with tickets to the festival for the purpose of a review.
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