When I get a new gadget or appliance I like to use it a lot. Whilst my 48hr ribs were blissfully simmering away this morning in my Sous Vide Supreme I was thinking about dessert options I could create using the machine… This then made me think of cooking fruits such as apples, pears etc for crumbles and compotes and I realised that I can totally use the Sous Vide for our weaning journey with Chloe.
Last time I weaned ( with Izzy) I prepared lots of vegetable and fruits in bulk to cook and then purée and freeze for later use which is exactly what I want to do again. Except this time I’m going to cook my veggies and fruits in the sous vide. So no loss of those amazing nutrients via the cooking water and perfectly cooked, soft food. I will then whizz it up in a blender ( I use a Vitamix) and store.
I feel like this is a massive revelation. I can chop the food up, simply seal it and place in the SV and pretty much ignore it until the time is up, I won’t need to check it’s not boiling over or the water levels in the saucepan etc and the food will be as packed full of vitamins and goodness as if she were eating it raw. Pretty amazing yes? I’m excited.
Any ideas for what I should do first?
I’m thinking:
Sweet Potato
Just one veg/fruit at a time initially and then I will start to combine flavours.
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