With most relationships you have ups and downs and periods of time where you just take the other party for granted. That’s how I feel about my Vitamix.
When I first won it I was over the moon and I had great ideas for what I would make. That first month I made lots and lots of amazing dishes. After the honeymoon period I settled into just ‘using’ my Vitamix. I threw veggies in when I was too lazy to dice and grate. I used it to make my milk all foamy when I wanted an indulgent hot choc and also to make the odd smoothie.
The last few months I have once again become enamoured with it. I’ve made lots of lovely delights. Such as salted caramel sauce and pesto.
Today I just made a simple soup. Simple in the ingredients, not so on taste. It was delicious and both myself, toddler and OH thoroughly enjoyed. It was easy, so easy in fact I feel daft sharing the recipe but here you go.
My Simple Soup
You will need:
1 carrot
1/2 a red onion
A bunch of fresh Basil
1 carton of chopped tomatoes
500ml of vegetable stock
1 squirt of tomato purée – I used Cirio
Seasoning – sea salt and black pepper
If you are using a Vitamix you can throw it all in, turn it up to the highest point and leave for 4-5 minutes until hot.
If making in a saucepan, first sauté the diced onion and diced carrot in a pan until soft before adding all other ingredients and warming through. Then use a hand blender (carefully) to purée it.
It can be served as just a soup or over pasta or chicken or in my toddlers case with sliced sausage and hunks of bread.
I should also point out that this is a really budget friendly recipe 🙂
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