Lindam is celebrating its 25th anniversary – that’s 25 years of award-winning products to ensure safe homes for exploring babies and toddlers. It remains the UK’s No1 brand in safety.
You may remember that I am a member of the Lindam Munchkin blogger panel this year and I’ve going to be regularly reviewing their products and telling you all about them.
I’m sure we all have Lindam products at home, I know that when Izzy was starting to crawl out I went straight out and bought their door latches, corner protectors and safety gates amongst other things but did you know they do other products too?
Really cool night lights:
Backseat organisers which can then be hooked straight onto your pram:
And safety rails to name just a few:
When buying for your baby or toddler we all know that safety is key and you really can’t go wrong with a Lindam product.
Here are some tips for baby proofing your home:
Expect a post in a few weeks to let you know how I’m getting on with some of their products and what’s on my wish list!
I bought their rear seat mirror so I can see N when driving, absolutely LOVE it! So impressed!