Just before the Christmas period I was invited to an event hosted by Curry’s PC world and Nespresso in Cardiff. It was going to be a day all about coffee. Now a year ago if I’d received that type of invite I probably would have said no as I don’t drink coffee and have never really enjoyed the taste. The smell has always been appealing but the taste.. Not so much.
But I’m all for trying new things and one of the things I really want to learn to like is coffee. Just because it always appeals to me when others have it. The event was held in a gorgeous tea room called Waterloo Tea in Wyndham Arcade, Cardiff. I could have spent forever browsing their various teas but no. Today was about coffee.
On arrival we were given a cold coffee drink, mine was cinnamon flavoured and I managed to drink it all. It wasn’t too coffee like if that makes sense and I enjoyed it. It had chocolate in too which probably helped.
After this initial welcome drink we were split into groups to enjoy the various activities on offer. Lucky for us our first activity was lunch and Waterloo Tea put on a gorgeous spread for us.
I *may* have enjoyed a cup of lemon roobois with my lunch!
We then spent a few hours doing the following:
Learning how to make the perfect latte with accompanying art of course:
Can you guess which mine was? Well it was a first attempt.
We went to a tables where we played a game called cups which involved tasting LOTS of coffees. I didn’t do very well with this part as a lot of the coffee was far too strong for my newbie palate.
There was another station creating coffee based cocktails which were pretty cool and I may have sampled a few of those!
Our final activity was being introduced to the machines and getting hands on with all the whizzy gadgetry. I loved this as we are currently on the hunt for a coffee machine for our house so was great to get some tips.
Thanks to Currys PC World for inviting me to this fun event and to Waterloo Tea for hosting and also to Joe’s Bloggers I had a great day and well I’m definitely swaying more towards coffee these days. You may make a caffeine fiend out of me yet.
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