The C word. I hate it.
I hate to hear it in sentences from people I love or to overhear it in coffee shops or pubs.
I hate to see it online affecting people. Changing lives.
Six letters which can change your world.
Three summers ago I heard that word from my mum when she stood in front of us and said “it’s cancer” we knew it before she said it. From the moment she called on the way home from her appointment and said she would talk to us when she got home – not the overjoyed voice of relief we had hoped for but a small voice which tried to remain strong for her (almost all grown up) children.
I heard that word so often that year. A hard year for my family but a weirdly wonderful one too as Izzy was born and then my mum went on to beat breast cancer after two operations and radiotherapy. She’s a fighter.
We have lost grandparents to cancer. Friends have lost parents and siblings. It’s such a scary word.
I worry for my mum every day. Everytime she has an ache or pain my mind flits back to that time. I worry for my dad. I worry for myself.. For Andrew and for our children and my siblings.
This rotten, selfish disease who tiptoes up and threatens your family. Who doesn’t care how wonderful or generous the person is who it affects. Who doesn’t stop think no, not them. Not now.
This autumn marks three years cancer free for my mum. Something which wouldn’t be possible without research, medicine and science.
On Friday I will be supporting my mum and Macmillan cancer research by baking cakes, attending my mums coffee morning and donating.
Can you support it too? Find your nearest coffee morning here
I’m writing this late at night ( actually very early in the morning) and my mind is all a muddle but I’d like to do more. Raise money. Use this blog for good. If I thought of something, some way to do something which would raise money – would you help? So many of you read my blog these days I’m overwhelmed ( thanks by the way) and with your help I could maybe, possibly do something good. Who is with me?
I am with you – 100%. You don’t know me and we will most likely never meet but I support you in trying to do anything and everything you can to be supportive of your mother.
Early detection and getting treatments mean everything. I have had breast cancer twice and I am here today because I took control. Tell your mother not to be afraid to ask doctors questions and be proactive about her health concerns. My thoughts are with you and your family. xxx
I’m with you. Whatever you need. X
I’m so pleased to read she’s three years cancer free, although it never really leaves does it. You always remember, I would love to help in some small way. I ran the race for life this year for the first time after finding a lump in my own Breast when pregnant with Tia. Mine wasn’t cancerous but for a while I was so so scared. I’ve seen you mention an ebook. I think that’s a fab idea and I’ll 100% buy one. X