In December amongst all the heavy, indulgent dishes we also enjoyed some lighter lunches in the form of Glorious soups. We have both discovered that they are perfect for work lunches and stop us snacking mid afternoon. They taste so much more indulgent and packed full of flavour than any other pre packaged soups that we have tried and I love soups in the Winter – it always makes me feel warmed through and cosy, plus it’s so easy to just heat one of these through when I don’t feel like cooking.
Our favourites this month:
Tuscan Chicken With Orzo:
It’s full to the brim with veggies including carrots, courgettes and spinach with orzo thrown in to help fill you up. It’s also dairy free, low calorie and a source of protein too – bonus.
Definitely one we recommend.
We also love this Moroccan Spiced Chicken:
This soup has the perfect spicy kick with a trace of fruity sweetness from the apricot. It also contains chicken, chickpeas and cous cous. I love Moroccan flavours and it felt like it whisked us away on a holiday adventure too. One of your 5 a day and again a source of protein. We had this as an evening meal with crusty bread.
Next month I’m looking forward to trying the range of Skinnylicious soups including the limited edition Vietnamese Supergreen – ingredients include kaffir lime leaves, ginger and lemongrass which are all aromatic flavours which I love. Plus it’s green..guaranteed to make you feel as though you are making the healthy choice in the traditionally detox and diet crazy month of January. It’s also Vegan so great for anyone partaking in Veganuary.
*As part of the Glorious Ambassador programme I am sent soups/vouchers to try each month and I am compensated for my time in reviewing.