I’m not normally one for jumping in on hot topics in the news. Normally because I avoid a lot of it. I find the news awfully sad most of the time and I have enough sadness in me right now. Selfish? Perhaps.. Self obsessed? I hope not.
Sometimes news items are right there in your face though and I’ve thought a lot about the poor families of the victims from the German Wings plane crash this week. I’ve thought long and hard about the state of mind of the co pilot and I’ve spent the most time thinking about his family. About how they are coping right now. Because whatever happened or however it happened they are grieving too. Grieving for a son, brother, cousin, friend. Having to read every sordid detail of his life and to feel the ultimate pressure of knowing your child ( he will always be a child to his parents) caused the death of so many. How hard this time must be for them.
Depression headlines have been splashed across newspapers in a tawdry, mindless way. Mental health is being talked about. In the worst possible way.
A few minutes ago I saw this from an abomination of a woman that I find it hard to give any time or thought to:
But I had to talk about this. How dare she? A woman who could be considered the ultimate in self obsessed. How dare she belittle an illness which is so incredibly crippling it kills so many and so often. How can an educated woman say the words Get a grip to people who would give ANYTHING in the world to snap out of this illness.
I am far from self obsessed. I am depressed. I hate myself most days but K.Hopkins I hate you more. I hate you for spoiling an hour I had decided in which I was going to just relax. To be me. Not mum or employee or partner. I sat down with my kindle under a blanket and decided to just chill out. I find this so hard to do. Because of my illness. You ruined it and I doubt very much you realise the impact of your tweet today. For every ant sized step forward in mental health awareness there is an elephant step back. You are the elephant. Go back to the circus your life has become and leave everybody else alone.