It’s always funny to read what people have searched for that has led them to my blog, sometimes it’s quite obvious how they have found it and other times its more like.. Hmmmm that’s a bit strange.
The most popular terms that people search for are:
Camp Bestival
Be happy be healthy and get well soon
The hungry caterpillar cake
Dr Ranj – see top answer
Baileys Cupcakes
Recipe for Munchkins
Fairly normal I guess. I wrote a review about last years Camp Bestival and it was a popular post and still is apparently. The Be Happy and Dr Ranj searches are from a post I wrote about Izzy being ill and me singing the theme tune to the Cbeebies show to her. The cake recipes are to be expected from a food based blog and The Hungry Caterpillar cake gets searches every single day!!
The last one however which also gets searched for at least 5 times a week threw me a bit. My blog is called Munchies and Munchkins but I had no idea what munchkins were ( I use it in the child sense) .. After a fair bit of google trawling it seems that they are chocolate cake/sweet type treats and of course after all of the searches it’s only fair that I tried to make them! Recipe on my next post.
Here are some of the less common searches I’ve had:
Do Sainsburys of Altrincham sell vegan cheese – being neither from Altrincham or Vegan I’ve no idea how they got led to me.
Is James Martin friends with Chris Evans? – this seemed like such a school playground question but I can see how it’s led to me as I wrote about a show I watched with both of them in at BBC good food show
Strict insane breastfeeding diet – I didn’t diet whilst breastfeeding, let alone insanely. Weird.
Smug parents of 3 children – we only have 1 child and she gives us the run around far too much for us to be smug!
I started punching when I saw my son munching, he had been put on punishment for eating the last … – it ended there. No idea how this led to me but I do feel bad for the son!
Rachel Allen recipe where is my parents at cake – random, just random although the very lovely Rachel has written a guest post for me but not for that cake haaa.
A few nudity related searches but I fear for my spam if I post those.
I wonder what people think when they find my blog from a totally unrelated search. Say hello next time you stop by 😉