In my life I am happy to say I have wonderful men. My Dad and Andrew are both incredible fathers. My Dad has been supportive of everything I do since I was a child. It’s amazing to know that I can depend on him. To know he loves me and to know how much he loves my mother. To marvel in their long and loving relationship. To see the way my girls adore him, even when he teases them so.
This quote is so incredibly true:
We never know the love of a parent until we become parents ourselves. – Henry Ward Beecher
When you are a teenager and your parent says you wait until you have laugh it off but looking back you wonder how they got through every stress you and your siblings have put them through and it makes my heart ache a bit.
Andrew is such an amazing Dad to our girls, loving, kind, generous and strong. He spends hours playing games with them, rough and tumble in the mud or enduring his two girls offering him endless plastic cups of tea. He gets up in the night when they cry, is their protector when they take a fall.
I thought it may be hard for him being a man surrounded by females but it cannot be a bad thing to be adored by his daughters as he then in turn adores him.
A daughter may outgrow your lap but she’ll never outgrow your heart – originally posted on Pinterest.
Happy Fathers Day to all you Dads who try every day to raise your children in the right way.