I’m a bit of a fan of proper Coca Cola. Always have been. For the last ten months I haven’t been able to drink much as I have been caffeine free since Chloe was born and so I’ve moved onto the caffeine free diet option which is great but it’s not quite the same.
One of the biggest issues for me with the full fat, real deal coke is the amount of calories it contains as I do have to work hard to keep the pounds off my hips so even when I’m not caffeine free I do limit myself to occasional treats .. Particularly useful when hungover I find. Not that I’ve had many of those these last 4 years!
But now look who steps up to the mark…
Coca Cola Life.
So what is it?
Coca‑Cola Life is made with a blend of sugar and stevia leaf extract, and contains a third less sugar and a third fewer calories than Coca‑Cola.
How does it compare with the other 3 versions?:
Coca‑Cola = 42 calories per 100ml
Coca‑Cola Life = 27 calories per 100ml
Coca‑Cola Zero = Less than 1 calorie per 100ml
Diet Coke = Less than 1 calorie per 100ml
Most importantly what did we think?
Well. Firstly I broke my no caffeine rule for this so I was happy to not be disappointed – definitely less sweet which I quite like. I shared a can with my OH who normally finds ‘proper’ coke a little too sweet so he enjoyed it too.
Definitely a good way to make small improvements to your current diet if you are looking to cut your calorie intake.
It feels a bit strange to be drinking out of a green can but look at the colours of coke all together – doesn’t it look festive?
Holidays are coming 😉