I used to read a lot. When I say a lot I mean about 2-3 books a week minimum normally more. I could sit down with a book and read it in a few hours. My parents called me the book worm and when I met my boyfriend he would test me by questioning me on random parts of books as he didn’t believe I could read that quickly. I would buy books most weeks, sometimes from charity shops or ebay/amazon and borrow lots from the library. On a beach holiday I could easily read 10 books in a week.
Here is a post about some of my favourite books
Since having children I read a lot less. I miss it. I miss the escapism of reading a book. I now watch more mindless tv or films and while I’m not going to stop this I definitely want to get back to reading more. I’ve set myself a target of 50 books this year. 5 years ago I would have laughed at that amount but last year I probably read half that amount.
I’m going to read in the bath, while feeding and before bed. I find it calms me and it definitely helps keep my brain active. It can be far too easy to slip into a brain slump when you are always around toddlers.
I may even share some reviews of books that I particularly like on here.
It’s now January 2nd and I am halfway through book 2. Technically book 1 was started in 2013 but let’s not split hairs.
Book 1 was The Husbands Secret by Liane Moriarty – I really enjoyed this book and would give it 4/5 stars.
Book 2 is The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion – really enjoying this too and it’s one that I really want to finish soon!
Let’s hope I manage to keep up with this challenge. Any book recommendations would be great – I read all genres.