Izzy is only three years old ( just) so I was surprised that she is as caught up in the Frozen fever as every other little girl in the UK. She has watched it a few times and certainly likes the songs but I didn’t think she was ‘that’ into it.
I was wrong. We sat down a few weeks ago and had a look at photos of her previous birthday cakes. The first one was a Hungry Caterpillar cake and last year was Mr Tumbles spotty bag. I absently asked her what she would like this year expecting nothing specific but no. She looked at me and said:
“I want a build a snowman cake with Elsa, Anna, a reindeer and a man on top..”
I asked:
” Which man?”
She answered..
“the mean one”
So there it was. My challenge.
I love baking but I’m not particularly fussed on decorating although my skills are improving but I just don’t have an awful lot of patience. This however was the first time she had asked for something like this so I decided I was doing it. Looking back I suppose I could have ordered in! I had in mind a pretty spectacular affair but after a long week of sleepless nights this was all I could muster but she loved it all the same.
The Cake:
I made a simple sponge filled with blue buttercream, covered it in white fondant icing and homemade blue sugar glass and topped with some cake topper Frozen figures:
The Outfits:
I bought her a rather cute Elsa dress from Ebay which unlike most other costumes wasn’t too fussy or scratchy against her skin.
The Food:
Standard party food. Sandwiches, crisps, sausage rolls, crudités and dips. PARTY RINGS, cadburys fingers, grapes and chicken goujons. Cupcakes and birthday cake were abundant too. Ooh and did I mention I made an ice cream cake? And then forgot to take any photos of it. Grr. It was good though.
The party bags:
I kept these very simple with bubbles, party blowers and some sweet treats. Each child also took home a cupcake.
The activities:
Firstly we set up our lounge like a relaxed kids cinema and played Frozen on the projector. This went down very well and the kids popped in and out as they pleased. We served bowls of popcorn in there for a real cinema vibe. Outside we had big sheets of cardboard for the children to write and scribble on which they all loved and in the conservatory we had a table set up with cupcakes and icing pens for them to decorate their own cakes. I simply made some cupcakes the night before and decorated each one with a plain circle of white fondant and let the kids do as they pleased. We were very lucky that one of my family members has a party planning business and arranged a visit from a special guest too: