I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for #CollectiveBias and its advertiser.
Where would we be without batteries? At 3am when only Ewan The Dream Sheep will settle my baby. At 5pm when I put Chloe in her swing just so I can have 20 minutes hands free to make food. At 7pm when I need to pump milk and don’t want to be stuck next to the plug socket.
At anytime of day when Izzy absolutely NEEDS her torch. We need them.
They can get expensive though and buying cheap only means they last half the time. Keeping an eye out for good ones that are on offer or buy one get one free has become a habit of mine.
On the weekend I did my online shop with Sainsburys – I never do a main shop instore with Sainsburys as my local shop is too small but I do like to use them for my online shops. This week I shopped online mainly because I had a £15 off voucher but also because the Energizer batteries I needed to power up the Dream Sheep were 2 for 1.
Typically when my shop arrived substitutions had been made and the batteries had been replaced with another set within the same brand but not in the 2 for 1. Grrr. It does frustrate me when this happens.
As soon as Izzy saw the packs – she does like to help me put away the shopping- she shouted yay batteries for my torch.
You see I may tell a little white lie every now and again. If I’m a bit fed up of her playing with something I may say its run out of batteries..even if it doesn’t contain them. Bad mammy but I’m pretty sure we all do it.
We had planned an adventure. A walk out to the local forest when it started to get dark for fun with our torches and to try to find some owls..she’s an owl fanatic but once again Pox hit our household ( this time with Chloe) so instead we used out batteries for something which we all need every now and again. And that was to replace the batteries in this..
I try to avoid too much screen time for Izzy but on days when one of the girls are unwell it can be a real sanity saver.
We made up lots of snacks and settled in for a day of Peppa Pig and Iggle Piggle!
What do you use batteries for that you really couldn’t do without? Favourite children’s toys? Do you ever make up that something has run out of battery?