I apologise in advance for the grumpiness of this post but I have never been a big fan of New Years..especially New Years Eve itself. I always get a little wistful and the fact that I was more than a bit tearful by 10.30pm on the night itself last week was not really a surprise to me. Here are a few reasons why New Years sucks:
1. No matter what happened the year before there will always be regrets. Things you didn’t achieve. Places you didn’t go.
2. Everyone is going on a diet at a time of year when you really want hot chocolate and comfort food.
3. There are sales everywhere..it seems everything you bought for Christmas is suddenly 70% off. This enfuriates me.
4. There are half eaten packs of Christmas biscuits, a rogue Toblerone and some satsumas getting soggier by the day yet the actual warmth and festivity of the season is over.
5. Your house minus Christmas lights and tinsel is suddenly bleak and bare.
6. You feel the need for change, a new outfit, a new look, a new job even but the oomph you need to do it was packed away with the decorations.
7. Your young children don’t quite understand that Christmas is really over and that chocolate for breakfast is just not ok anymore.
8. They find it even harder to understand when they see you finishing off their selection box pre 8am while hidden in the pantry… It was a long night.
9. It doesn’t feel right to keep adding Baileys to your hot chocolate when everyone else is drinking green juice.
10. Easter eggs are already in the shops leaving you no time between festive gluttony and the need for a creme egg with every supermarket shop. Yes I’ve already eaten one. Ok two.
Do you like New Years? Did you make resolutions?