I wrote this post back in January and just realised it was still lingering in my drafts folder so here it is.. this week Izzy had a bit of trouble in school with a minor meltdown in class after a telling off from a teacher and I wanted to go back and have a look at what I wrote after her first few days:
Our big little girl Izzy started school last week. I know. SCHOOL. It seems crazy to think of her as being old enough to attend school and although she is probably the tallest in her class I still think she looks too small in her uniform which seems to swallow her up. So far all is rosy. She loves her new school and seems to be revelling in the fact that she is now a big girl we didn’t have any tears or tantrums on day 1 and she settled in with ease. I of course went home and felt teary for the rest of the day but she was fine.
Every day we collect a very happy, very excitable girl from the yard who within an hour turns into a very tired and rather grumpy one. School is super tiring don’t you know? All that playing with sand and painting.. Oh and the songs of course.
I think it will take a while for her to get used to being there each day and hopefully her body will catch up soon enough. I hate seeing her so worn out.
On Friday we had our first batch of paintings back as they take a really really long time to dry as she reported each day when she got home. Along with a well done sticker proudly attached to her school sweater for answering correctly when her name was called.
Seeing the changes in her behaviour and already seeing what she is learning fills my heart with joy and love but I do wish I could keep her as a carefree child just a bit longer. Starting school seems such a huge milestone ..soon it will be homework.. Then exams.
For now we will delight in the days we have at home, hours spent at the park or on long walks. Time as a family.
One major thing we noticed this week is how much more interested Izzy has become in Chloe. She is excited to see her after school and I really think they miss each other. Cue lots of cuddles and kisses even if Chloe doesn’t want it.
And so…four months later. Izzy is still excited to go to school..still excited to see us and Chloe afterwards and still very tired! I’m glad she is still a year away from a full day as I just don’t think she would cope with that just yet. We have had her first parents evening where we came away smiling with pride and although she has had the odd occasion where her teacher has mentioned her being a bit grumpy after being told not to do something..mostly its all ok.
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