Social media can be kind of crazy. Some days you feel like you are talking into a void. You say something, you may even thing it’s a clever something or a funny something but not a single reply out of 6000+ followers. I remember when that used to bother me, just slightly and before I realised that the majority of people these days follow 500+ people each. Not everyone will see your tweet about your cat walking like a human and that’s ok. I tend to use Twitter more these days for ramblings, catching up with news and bookmarking funny cat videos for the kids. It’s still one of my favourite social channels alongside Instagram.
This week I had one of those thoughts. About how nice it would be to share positive thoughts and thankful thoughts in the lead up to Christmas. I’ll admit that if I’m very stressed or ill I can feel low quite quickly and I wanted to challenge myself to start seeing more positives in my day than negatives. Positive Advent began. I decided that each day I’d share an amount of positive thoughts that correlated with the date so on the 1st I shared one, today I’ll share two and so on until the 24th when I hope to share 24!
Yes 24 positive or thankful things from one day! How will I find them? I’m not sure. Some days certainly feel more negative than positive
But that’s the point. Finding the little things and far more importantly actually noticing them and shining a light on it.
Yesterday was the first day. I popped a tweet out and well it surprised me. So many of you. Replying, retweeting and YAY joining in. It was a good feeling. A really good feeling. Even if you don’t join in I encourage you to read the various replies on the hashtag, it brightened my whole day reading the responses and seeing my feed so positive and happy. Thanks to you all!
I’ve put a brief description of what Positive Advent is below, no super strict rules or guidelines. I may blog about it each week and feel free to join in with that but there’s no pressure to link back or credit me etc. Just enjoy it.
Positive Advent
Post something which you are thankful for each day or something positive happening in your life. Each day increased the amount. The important thing to note is each day you are increasing the amount of good things you are looking for rather than adding one new thing each day. Hopefully in time helping those partaking to notice positives over negatives more often.
Day 1 – one thankful or positive note
Day 24 – twenty four thankful or positive notes
Don’t feel obligated to join in every day. This is meant to help improve your mental health not add more pressure. Join in once, every day, every week or not at all. Be a lurker and just join in from the sidelines. Do whatever suits you or nothing at all, I am doing this for me rather than to have hundreds joining in. Every one who does join is a bonus 😊.
Thanks for reading and for all of you who replied yesterday – thank you for lifting my spirits.
If you want to follow this on social media you can do so by using the hashtag #positiveadvent – prior to yesterday it hadn’t been used in a few year so should mostly be related to this challenge. Note to self: get a brand new hashtag next time.
You can follow me on twitter here or Instagram here but you don’t need to be following to join in, please feel free to tag me though as I’d love to read more positivity in my feed.
Image courtesy of Annie Spratt on Unsplash. Go check her out, she’s amazing.
[…] head over and take a look at the Munchies and Munchkins website here to read more about Positive Advent and if you are joining in, it would be lovely for you to follow […]