Being able to make the food you love from scratch has to be one of the best parts about being a foodie geek. I love Gnocchi and if you have read my blog over the past 6 months you will see at least 2-3 recipes pop up using the ready made stuff.
A while ago I was given a book from two of my lovely friends and its called Homemade and written by Yvette Van Boven. I’d never seen this book before and never actually seen it anywhere since but I’m sure you can find it online and it’s definitely one I recommended buying. The book itself is a bit mad and all over the place and it has recipes for all sorts of things from bread to ketchup and marshmallows to liqueurs and all from scratch. Imagine knowing that everything you served was made from scratch. So if you made a burger and the roll, the burger and the ketchup were all made by you .. Well that would feel kinda good yes? So whilst I’m not setting myself ANOTHER challenge as I don’t want to go overboard I do want to make more dishes entirely from scratch.
Gnocchi seemed a little scary to make but I don’t know why. As always being the disorganised chef I realised at the last minute that I didn’t have enough potatoes so I substituted with sweet potatoes and it worked. In fact it worked so well I don’t think I’ll be buying ready made again as it just doesn’t compare.
Ill give you a list of ingredients and a bit of a how do I but if you really want to know how I recommend buying the book as each step has a picture and well I just can’t do it justice!
You will need:
1kg (2lb) mix of potatoes and sweet potatoes or you can just do potatoes
1 egg
300g 00 flour (pasta flour)
Pinch of salt
Step 1
Boil potatoes in skin until soft, remove skin whilst still hot. Mash or use a potato ricer ( I don’t have a ricer – it’s in my want list)
Step 2
Tip onto a clean work surface and add your flour ( not all in one go – it gets messy) you may not need it all or you may need a tiny bit more. Also add your salt.
Step 3
Add a beaten egg ( again not all in one go ) and mix together with your fingers. Be prepared for mess and stickiness.
Step 4
Knead into a smooth dough, if needed add more flour or your egg.
Step 5
Roll out into a rope and divide into equal sections
Step 6
Roll the sections into smaller sausages.. Mine were quite long.
Step 7
Cut these sausages into small cushions and leave
Step 8
When they are all cut roll over the back of a fork ( or use a gnocchi board if you have one)
Step 9
Save under a clean tea towel until ready to use
Step 10
Or cook immediately, they are ready when they float to the surface
Cooked and ready for my bake
It’s worth noting that this recipe makes a lot of gnocchi! I divided into 3 batches and cooked one and froze two. I haven’t defrosted yet so can’t comment on how they coped with being frozen – I’ll let you know when I do!
Gnocchi and bacon cream bake
I placed my cooked gnocchi in a small cazuela (overproof pan) and poured on some single cream,chopped parsley, seasoning and cooked bacon. I gave it all a good stir and baked for 15 mins them sprinkled on a little cheese and cooked for 5 more minutes. It was delicious served with a salad and garlic breaded mushrooms – this recipe will follow later today.
Just ready for the oven:
And just out of the oven:
My verdict: it was slightly fiddly and messy but I enjoyed and the end result is more than worth it!
Give it a go x
I’ve never heard of making gnocchi with sweet potatoes. I’m glad it turned out so well!
Thanks, it was delicious. I will try it make it with all potato next time to compare. Thanks for reading and commenting xx
I’m so hungry now!!