My baby is wild. Seriously quite often I look at my stomach and you would think from the crazy shapes it pulls that she is running in there. She is so strong.
Today I had a midwife appointment, not a regular one but one of the extra appointments I’m having to make sure all is ok with me and baby.
I am very happy to tell you that for once.. In fact I really do think its the first time this pregnancy all is OK. WOOP. I wasn’t sent to hospital for monitoring ..blood pressure was all good..everything was fine. My midwife who was very rudely kicked (extremely powerfully) by the bump told me that she thinks my baby is the busiest baby she has monitored for a long time.
It’s incredible the relief I felt walking out. I almost felt like a normal pregnant woman. So I went and bought myself a big juicy steak from the butchers and 4 apples as a celebratory treat.. Well I can’t have champagne so what’s a girl to do?
By the way why did I never realise quite how amazing a good apple can taste? I actually asked the green grocer today what are the tastiest apples you have? Ha. English Windsor apparently. Drools.
At 32 weeks:
* I feel huge
* I look neat ( haha according to my green grocer – so not true)
* My skin feels oily again
* My hair is thick and reasonably glossy
* Cramps are pretty bad again. This morning I couldn’t shake it for a whole hour. Ouch.
* Heartburn is horrid – mostly at about 2am
* Baby moves a lot and with huge gymnastic type movements – I don’t remember it being quite so crazy last time.
* Baby is still head down and very low..lots of pressure but not too painful at the minute.
* My concentration is not great – I have a million things to do and a lot of blog posts to write but actually completing them is hard.
* I’m super emotional/hormonal/kind of a bitch at times.
* Everything aches. All the time.
* I’m starting to worry ( a little) about everything being ok (health wise) for the baby when she arrives.
* I’m getting excited to meet our girl.
* I’m more in love with Izzy than ever before. She turned 2 this week and she is such a special girl.
* I’m more thankful than ever for my supportive man and family. Couldn’t have done this without them.
* I may open the babys wardrobe to look at her little shoes more than is necessary.
* I eat apples, carrots and red meat. A lot.
* I still love ice
* I still like to brush my teeth. A lot.
All in all other than having to pop Izzy to the hospital for mysterious rash check its been an ok week which compared to the past 6 months is pretty amazing.
32 weeks:
For reference this is a Jicama ( I had to google it) a kind of Mexican turnip.
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