I am a fan of Instagram in fact I may even have a bit of a full blown crush on it..in a teenage girl kind of way. It is the social media channel I enjoy the most and I have written about it a few times here on the blog. It seems to be the happiest form of social media, well it does mostly revolve around food and travel, at least the channels that I follow and I find it can relax and make me smile even on my grumpiest of days.
One of my favourite parts of Instagram as a blogger is the instant interaction. I will often post an image of a dish a little while before I re test and eventually share on the blog, it is a good indicator of what kind of recipes people want to see and well there is just something really heart warming about people liking the images of the food I make. More recently I’ve begun to enjoy Instagram stories, it’s fun to see the every day life of people I follow and not just the polished Instagram images that end up on their permanent feed. I guess it’s the nosy side of me, I like having messages from my followers about random parts of my day too. Some days when I am working solely from home it can be a lonely job, don’t get me wrong – I love it. I am more than comfortable with my own company and I do so enjoy silence but when a message pops up to say someone likes my shoes or to ask where I got a candle from it’s quite nice.
Most of the images I share are of the food I am eating or the places I am wandering around but sometimes ( and more often lately ) you may even catch a selfie or two – and seriously I think I have the sweetest followers as I cannot tell you how much of a confidence boost my followers have given me. I will still never be a beauty or fashion blogger though.
As I’ve said most of the channels I follow are closely related to food and/or travel but not all, you may ( or may not ) be surprised to know that I am a real sucker for quotes and poetry – yes I know it’s cheesy but words alone are important to me. Some days it can feel as if my Instagram timeline really is tailored to me as I see Nutella images followed by a gorgeous sunset and ending up with the most positive, life affirming quote – yes I really am such a girl. And ok new algorithm ..you annoy me no end but I guess it’s working for me. There are some people whose Instagram feeds I will actively go look for if I notice I haven’t seen them online much, because sometimes when you follow more than a handful of people those you want to see the most can get lost – go look for them! Throw some love on posts you have missed, I bet it puts a big smile on their face, I know I certainly get that happy buzz when someone has a liking spree on my page, especially if its a friend or someone I care about as I know they have taken the time to come and catch up. Maybe don’t like all of their images in one go though.. that could get creepy if it’s someone you don’t really know.
I thought it may be fun to share a handful of my favourite Instagrammers with you each month, it would be rude of me to keep them to myself right? They are no in particular order, I don’t play favourites! Some will be fellow food bloggers, others will be nature or travel Instagrammers and I may even toss in some lifestyle and fashion.
Before I do I will share one of own my favourite posts from this past month:
Let’s start off with my friend Sus from Rough Measures, a fellow food blogger from Bath. Sus is a plant based food blogger and her feed always feels wholesome but without feeling as if she is forcing her food choices on you. I am sure I get a little healthier just scrolling through her pics. I have been lucky enough to attend a few events and press trips with Sus and she is down to earth and full of fun too.
Next up is Helen from Coco Mama Style, Helen is one of the very first bloggers I started talking to online, maybe 4- 5 years ago, we quickly became buddies and she has been a firm supporter of the blog, she has also successfully made and enjoyed a few of my blog recipes which is always nice. Her Instagram is as effortlessly cool as she is, possibly the only fashion blogger I take advice from and she is absolutely stunning – in fact if I didn’t think she was awesome I wouldn’t like her all that much HA. She also has two stupidly cute girls, an amazing youtube channel and blog to boot and she managed to look so incredibly perfect and stylish on her wedding day I think she made the whole of Instagram swoon a bit:
Vy Nguyen is an Instagrammer and blogger I followed earlier this year, her feed is a mish mash of food, travel and photography and I love the way she captures every day life. I recommend you go follow!
Another food blogger for you now, introducing Hannah from Domestic Gothesss. Her feed is guaranteed to make you drool, I can’t help but love all her photos. I mean I have thought about these mocha marshmallows far too many times over the past few weeks and I guess at some point I am going to be making them but all her recipes have that effect on you. A follow you won’t regret:
And finishing up with Kavita from Kavey Eats, she is a food and travel blogger, I am more than a little obsessed with her travel quote series which always make me nod along emphatically and I am stupidly jealous of the wonderful places she has been to. She is also pretty talented when it comes to pottery creation and I am the proud owner of one of her owls. Go let yourself get swept up in her life.
More to come in a few weeks, but tell me who are your favourite Igers? I always need good accounts to follow and drool over so leave your recommendations in the comments please!
Aaw, you made my cry a tiny bit because, that is so lovely! And so kind! Thank you so much and loving your recommendations!
Oh don’t cry..although happy tears are totally allowed. I was just being honest. I love your feed.x
Some great suggestions 🙂 now following those I didnt already! The only thing I struggle with on instagram is breaking out of my feed and finding new folk to follow so thank you!
Thanks Emma xxx
Thank you so much for including me! Your words about my feed (and all of the others) are really lovely, you made my morning! xx
Ah thank you Hannah, I love your feed so it was easy to say good things. Glad I made your morning x